Photo by conscious-design
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My Hospital Pharmacy Internship Report Sample

I did my internship at Webuye District Hospital now referred to as Webuye County Hospital (after the 8 provinces and their administrators and districts were replaced by County Commissioners at the county read more) as a requirement by the Kenya Medical Training College – KMTC for the award of Diploma in Pharmacy. Webuye county hospital is…

Online deliveries

Here is How You Can Deal With Online Pharmacy Delivery Problems

LONG DELIVERY TIME When a customer orders medicine from your pharmacy to be delivered to them, it is your duty to organize logistics on how the medicines will be delivered. It may become challenging to deliver on time if you don’t find a delivery person on time. Solution: Do not rely on one delivery person,…

Photo by christina-victoria
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Consider These Factors to Run Your Pharmacy Business Better

Having a well skilled all-round pharmaceutical technologist or pharmacist should be your priority. For a start you will need 2 or more staff to run the business. The problem usually arises when it comes to how much you should pay them, having in mind you need them to provide quality services. On the other hand, you also don’t want to be overburdened with salaries yet your business is struggling.

Photo by mika-baumeister

Pharmaceutical Technologist (Specialty, Salaries and Responsibilities)

Pharmaceutical technologists are healthcare professionals who dispense prescription medications, manage pharmacy inventory, and ensure regulatory compliance. They work directly with patients, providing guidance on medication use and supporting overall patient care in collaboration with other healthcare providers. Now that we understand the definition of a pharmaceutical technologist, let’s dive deeper into their responsibilities by covering…

Photo by freestocks

The Community Pharmacy

There are different types of pharmacies, a community pharmacy-being a type of pharmacy is the most common setup existing. In Kenya, most pharmacies fall under the community pharmacy category.

A community pharmacy could be independently owned or be a chain of pharmacies corporately owned.

Cup of Caffein

Night Time Over The Counter (OTC) Cough Suppressant is Now Prescription Only Medicine (POM)

The Pharmacy and Poisons Board has banned Benylin with codeine alongside other cough suppressants that contain codeine phosphate as the active ingredient. This means you will need a valid prescription from a physician for you to get a bottle of the same.

EasyMax Glucometer Kit

EasyMax Blood Glucose Meter (How it Works)

EASYMAX is a glucose monitoring kit that comes in two forms; an EasyMax MU for multiple users at clinics, hospitals, and so on, and an EasyMax mini for one user at home. EasyMax MU has more features, apart from being small and simple, it has a strip ejector and a to facilitate data collection.

EasyMax mini is a glucose monitor for home use. It is intended for adults (over age 18) diabetic and pre-diabetic patients.

Cosmos SKUs

Finally, Cosmos Pharmaceuticals is Introducing New Generic Products to the Market

Adding quality to life and health has been the most esteemed recognition that Cosmos Limited is known for, being the leading manufacturer of pharmaceutical products in Kenya and East Africa. Almost 90% of public hospitals are supplied by Cosmos Limited and that has made most of its products more popular.